The Benefits of Water Softeners for Bay Area Homeowners

Water softeners are a must-have in the Bay Area because of the high water hardness, which ranges between 100 and 300 PPM. The benefits of water softeners in your property go beyond providing safe water to protecting your plumbing system and appliances.

Here is what you stand to gain with water softeners amid dramatic mineral fluctuations due to the constant interaction of the Pacific waters through the Golden Gate Strait and the bay’s unique freshwater estuarine system.

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What Are the Benefits of a Water Softener?

1. Reduces Plumbing Repair Costs

Gradual scale buildup in pipes becomes stubborn clogs interfering with water flow and pressure. Eliminating clogs hidden deep in your water line is costly. The expense rises in case the blockage forms fissures or causes pipe bursts. Water softeners prevent scale buildup in your plumbing system, eliminating the need for premature pipe rehabilitation.

2. Increases Appliance Durability

Water softeners prevent wear and tear in dishwashers, washing machines, ice and coffee makers, and water heaters. They eliminate scale buildup, which lowers the quality and efficiency of the machine. Mineral accumulation clogs pipes and heating elements, interfering with functioning. It also corrodes appliance components, leading to a shorter lifespan.

3. Reduces Cleanser Usage

Water softeners save on soap costs. Soft water dissolves detergents better and lathers quickly. Calcium and magnesium ions in hard water interfere with lathering, necessitating more soap use and costs. Using hot water to improve lathering also increases expenditure costs.

4. Lowers Gas and Electric Bills

Deposited minerals in pipes lower the water flow efficiency, raise pressure, and interfere with heat distribution in water heater systems. Narrowed pipes are inefficient in heat distribution, necessitating longer heater runs to compensate for the deficit. One of the benefits of water softeners is energy efficiency by reducing excessive water heater use.

5. Cleaner Hair and Skin

Soft water has fewer minerals interfering with moisture absorption in hair and skin. It also does not react with soap components, taking essential active ingredients required by your hair and skin. The water also dissolves the soap, enabling it to lather optimally, resulting in a better cleanup. Hard water also strips your hair and skin of oils, leaving them dry.

6. Brighter and Softer Clothes

Dissolved minerals in hard water leave residue on fabrics, making them dull. Minerals also react with dyes on clothes, fading color and vibrancy. They also make clothes stiff and rough.

Water softeners prevent color bleeding, white mineral stains, and fading. The water dissolves more effectively on clothes, quickening and improving dirt removal. Clothes also remain soft to the touch after washing.

7. Clean Dishes and Sink Area

washbasin in a kitchen

Are you tired of seeing white streaks all over your kitchen, bathroom, laundry fixtures, sinks, and countertops? Hard water leaves mineral deposits after evaporating on any surface, including your dishes. Water softeners remove excessive minerals, preventing the annoying white cast from remaining in your kitchen plumbing fixtures, utensils, and countertops.

8. Reduces Cleaning Time

Soft water does not leave white streaks on surfaces, easing the cleaning process. It also does not interfere with the detergent or cleaning solution’s action on dirt and germs. The minerals in hard water interact with soap elements, reducing lathering significantly and preventing the soap’s ability to remove dirt.

Soft water eliminates the need for countless rinsing and multiple wipes to remove white marks. It also reduces the amount of soap required to remove dirt on surfaces.

9. Improves Taste in Food and Drinking Water

Enjoying your meals and tap water is an essential benefit of water softener. If you are tired of drinking tea that tastes like it has salt added to it or brushing your teeth with saline water, then a water softener is your best solution. The dissolved minerals in hard water can make food impalpable and drinking water unbearable.

While you can supplement by buying bottled water, this only increases your expenses. You don’t have to dread cooking, drinking tap water, or spending extra on store-bought potable water with a water softener.

10. Eliminates Mineral Deposits on Appliances

Mineral deposits reduce the aesthetics of your fixtures and the functionality of your plumbing system and appliances and increase the frequency of costly repairs. The minerals can oxidize inside pipes, corrode the pipe material, or attract microorganisms, forming a blue or green cast on the mineral deposit. A water softener reacts with excess minerals before the water flows into the water main line, preventing mineral deposition in your plumbing system and appliances.

Install a Water Softener in Your Home

At Total Underground Construction, we understand the benefits of water softeners for plumbing systems and appliances. We have the experience and expertise to install water systems in the Bay Area. Call us today for affordable and reliable services.

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